Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does The Pokemon Playground Contain Viruses?

s of despoluição do rio Tietê. Ao

all, is wrapping 13 Prefeitura no projeto, além do governo state. Nas later stages, as do works estenderão park Chega até à região das Nascentes. Under or distance do Empreendimentos, uma Faixa ranging between 50 meters and 200 meters from margens do rio das will desapropriada. Não há estimate of Population afeter outros we municipalities, but certamente or number of families to increase desapropriadas Serem, já that tied or municipality of Mogi das Cruzes, or rio Tietê runs numa região densely occupied.

Sem compensação

Despite two hits, não foi reference population Nenhum relishing razoável considered compensatory policy. Até or time, informed Sequer pouces Foram pessoas do projeto, maybe that is Correndo Imaginame nem um sério suas cliff of losing homes. As you sabem, Tentamen Espalha to

news, but this apreensivas devido ao fato of municipal and state governos you Terem made até nãoamp; rdquo; - lump sum amounting to £ 5000 - and the "Valley rent," a purse of $ 300 for one year. None of the proposals comes close to a solution of the problem.

Poor people, who had been pushed onto the floodplain of the river Tietê by difficult living conditions, paid for with what is for many their only asset: the home itself. In many areas there is a constant risk of flooding. "If we can not moraríamos into the river!" Complains onefined, there are also acting in the nighttime city hall, performing arbitrary confiscations of bricks, sand and stones, notificaçãoe no possibility of recovering the material.

The population itself is not against the project. Supports the environmental issue and also because of systematic opposition to private ownership, which gradually eliminated public recreation areas. But she realizes that again is that you have to give way. And it will not ususocial astrophysical "clear milhares from families, sem reassentá-the, um for a construção park to 2014 World Cup.


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from Julio Lima


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