Monday, May 3, 2010

P90x Supplements In Cape Town Funding Available: Forgotten Diaries’s Call for Proposals - New Grants for Grass-roots Peace-buildin

Funding Available: FD’s Call for Proposals

FD’s New Grants for Grass-roots Peace-building Projects

Register Your Application Now (SEE BELOW)!

Application deadline: May 30, 2010

Grants program description:

Following the success of our first grants program, FD is proud to announce another grants program. We are looking to provide small grants of between $200 and $400 USD to youth who have inspiring ideas to make a difference in their community.

We encourage you to watch our documentary ( and visit our website for some ideas of former projects, as well as to get to know the values advocated by FD. CHust be aged 18 to 30 and be actively involved or leading the project they submit to this grants program.


About Forgotten Diaries:

Forgotten Diaries (FD) is an online initiative which aims at shedding light on the most unreported and underreported conflicts, crisis and issues by involving those most affected by these: children and young people. Forgotten Diaries is a unique project which aims to raise awareness of the several under-reported conflicts currently occurring around the world and empower young people living in these zones with the skills and tools they need to contribute towards grass roots peace-building and community development.

Forgotten Diaries also provides young people with the possibility of making their voices heard through the media, b

Monday, March 8, 2010

Nature Themed Wedding Receptions This is suffering, and not of Fai

You may use the Mokona pincushion that my wife gave me for our anniversary (she is black) I become a bad person.

The worst thing is how happy she looks like the poor.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Low Glycemic Lunch Ideas I swell clerks noses

I think the bitch mother that if you have a store and know what you, try to advise customers. Problem: It is possible that you do not know everything in this fucking world. It's hard, but sometimes it happens. I do not know everything in this life, but I'm pretty sure it's not, not all Barbies have the same body, water is the solvent of the acrylic if not its diluent, to set the makeup of a BJD not just any spray paint it all, all are mate. And when I ask if you have Super Elasticlay or other specific product, not to strive to sell a shit that has no half cock to do with what I'm asking while insisting that it is the same. Oh, and you do not know the existence of

Monday, February 22, 2010

How Much Do Braces Cost In Washington State

Shinsengumi Costume: I finished on time and I had a pipe with him. Viva fabric sheet. Cosplay group [info] housekishou of battosai, plz.

drivers license: I started a crash course today, and this time I take it out, I feel that this is the good, the hitsuzen is on my side. Yes, I know I have four years to remove one and a half in the driving school (Suck that, [info] serena_m_lupin XDD) but this is the first time I say this, it is worth. It motivates me to think that if I can drive,I go to visit people in Seville, Madrid and Barcelona, and take them to my house (XD) of Albuerne when I come to see.

Teahouse: the end I will translate the comic puturcios BL on Christina Strain and Emily Warren. Fixed like I'm sending emails with Christina, I have the guióny several pages. God entered into tachycardia, her swear. General

randomness: a cosplay marching Clowesco Watanuki to [info] housekishou , Are patterns flowing from your hand! You feel a Surge of energy after the torture Recent CLAMP goodness! Why yes I'm random

Where To Get Gt Radial In California Poverty leaves marks permanent biological children, say scientists

p; aacute; see "Foram barnacles between daquelas adult lives as crianças com chord or socioeconomic status, two six years before.
Em comparação com crianças renda underwent the registravam FAMILIES mais deux fois hair less high than linha sua primeira poverty during childhood, as crianças tiveram dois poor years of schooling unless em média, trabalham 451 hours per year and less than nothing Metade ganham, "says or Estudo.

These adult crianças mais aussi receberam U.S. $ 800 per year mais em Cupons food and Foram mais deux fois prone ter uma ou saúde em geral poor high níveis of stress PsychologicalMLXC

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sinar F With 055xprob I'm not going to be less


12. Clover - Oruh and another - [info] housekishou 13. Generation X
14. The Dark Crystal - Aughra - [info] housekishou
15. Card Captor Sakura - Yue and Touya - [info] housekishou
16. Gokinjo Monogatari 17. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle - Fai and feet, and although no one guessing, Kurogane - [info] ela nielyn and
[info] housekishou 18. Seirei no Moribito
- Tanda and Torogai - [info] housekishou
19. Slayers - Zel colleague - [info] housekishou
20. X - Kamui and Subaru - [info] housekishou and
[info] poltergeist1013 (via msn)
CHTAnd MLXC tags: [info] housekishou , choose you. And if someone hits many, Lieke, many will draw something (???????????)

Monday, February 1, 2010

38 Weeks Pregnant Watery Cervical Mucus

oko / Masashi (Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai) 14. Cornelia / Guilford * headdesk * (Code Geass)

# 1. Why do you dislike # 11 so much? (Aoshi / Misao)
excited I Aoshi, Misao not stand most of the time, and I also do not seem to stick or glue melt and the only reason I end up "together" , is that Watsuki is pleased with himself for having created Misao.

# 2. Who do you know That ships # 13? (Akira / Hiroko / Masashi)

Nobody ... I do not think that is a ship going to do time, just UXD But I can not unseen it ...

# 3. What Would be your ideal scenario forcouple # 3? (Kurofai)

funky After many adventures in which nobody dies or loses his eyes, should return to Nihon, which would Fai furisode fanservicioso in and make things magicians would Kuro-rin kuudere adorably ninjas and make things and be happy and eat partridges.

# 4. What is your favorite moment for # 1? (Royai)
I Did not Give up on me when I Had Already Given Up on living. The royai telepathy. Chapter 95. Spoiler Spoilel is homunculus. PEEERRAAAAA. Oil oil.

# 5. How Long Have You Been Following couple # 6? (Naoto / Kanji)
month = V A I bought the Persona late December and since then I have no life UXD
# 6. What's the story with # 8? What made you stop caring? (Tifa / Cloud) Ship weary wars, Advent Children and the compilation that are even more weary, Squenix fucking live on their own characters for the money dear boy, etc. And anyway, I guess at one point I realized that Tifa would be better off on her own. Still, when you start playing again, I'll try that this time they touch me with her in the Gold Saucer xDD

# 7. Which ship do you prefer - # 2 or # 4? (Boss / Sorrow or daiko)
is impossible to choose, are at opposite ends of thelevel of angst-fluff.

# 8. You Have the Power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from # 10 or # 12. (Roy / Ed or spuffy)
Buffy and Spike. The 10 is a crackpairing so is giving me the same, Spuffy should have remained a crackpairing too.

# 9. What Interests you about # 14? Cornelia / Guilford
Lady of War, Defrosting Ice Queen, Tall Dark and Bishojo, Determinator + Bodyguard Crush, Stoic Spectacles, The Dragon. I'll tell you in TvTropes. I'm so predictable that I think I Ship to the 15 seconds to appear.

# 10. When did you stop liking # 7? (Bangel)
Buffy Maybe when I began to fall mal, and then worse and worse until I found unbearable.

# 11. Did your waning Interested in # 9 kill your Interest in the series? (Arashi / Miwako)
No, no way, Paradise Kiss is a hell of series and narrative does not seem to look bad when hoshit WTF. Not that I SHIP with the force of the sea at first, but no more ships occurred to me that I no longer like, I am very fixed ideas

UXD # 12. What's A Song That Reminds you of # 5? (Seishiro / Subaru)
Cosmic Love of Florence and The Machine. Seriously, it's disbelief, as if the aunt was a fan of CLAMP in secret or something. Too Much Love Will Kill You by Queen, It's All Over??)

# 16. Have # 2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. (Boss / Sorrow)
Man, I suppose so, considering that a child did

UXD # 17. Did # 4 Have A happy ending? Do you think one is likely? (Daiker)
had one final crack on-we pretend that never happened. For me (and Rally) "Ken and Stingmon are detectives" is synonymous with "bullshit and then passes as a piano," I say no more ...

# 18. What Would make you start shipping # 14?
not think I need much more incentive xDDD

# 19. If only one Could Happen, Which Would You prefer-

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Home Built Rabbit Cages

The Persona 4 should give us some kind of bonus for taking over 100 hours of play in a month. We fatal tank.

PS: love, encouragement to Akhenaten.
PD2: Code Geass is most cracktástico I see in a long time.
PD3: Lulu, if you keep pulling and the lenses you're going to start one eye. PD4
I do not know if Flipo more with Watanuki slut, or what Zen is Domeki. Either way you flip.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Octagon Park Table Plans

What's your favorite movie quote? Sponsored by

AVATAR The Official Community on TypePad.

View Answers 703

"Simple maybe, But Not Easy."
- The Prestige.

"What heart?"
- Miller's Crossing

In Miller's Crossing (100% translation "invéntatelo, man, just before") almost any line, the truth .

Friday, January 8, 2010

School Of Rock Streaming My kimonos!

No, not me, I wish I could be so beautiful. It [info] housekishou . Photos drainers, drainer kitsuke styling and made by me (yes, with all yes I'm happy XD) I'll upload a couple more of discards for a class assignment to flickr, for sure, because I have like 500 pictures taken and must be 20 who are not moved between the disgust of time that forces you to make the half-dark photos and the model that still does not stop or even kill her ¬ ¬ U

Ladies and gentlemen, I pardon if I'm being a little edge lately, but is that l

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Female Mastribating Statistic 10 innovations of the decade

Um Teto

To Meu País between 10 Inovações as given decade, iPod next year, Wikipedia and Youtube

Reprodução of

* Carlos A. Osorio for Saturday, magazine El Mercurio (Chile)

iPod + iTunes, Bio-Artificial Liver, Wikipedia, A Roof for my Paisy YouTube. A request for "Saturday", Carlos Osorio, an expert in innovationand PhD in Technology, MIT Gestióny Strategy, 2000-2010 selected inventions that changed our lives.

someone asked to identify the best innovations in a dCDs and cassettes. More than the iPod, however, the big difference with other mediaplayers is its iTunes store, opened in 2003 for selling music and then, in 2006, and included videos music and movies. The success of iPod, however, goes beyond the business for Apple, because he came to redefine the dominant design around how it should be a mediaplayer and massified a different experience to relate to music. It is not unusual to see much of mediaplayers look and operate similarly to an iPod, but not iTunes. Part of merit, and reasons for success, Apple is coming from outsideto and land on the music industry.

2. MIT OpenCourseWare 1999

remember being about to start a class at Harvard 2001 ... the teacher came in and said "at MIT went crazy ... going to put all their material on the Web, free and accessible to all." The project began in 1999 when a group of teachers proposed using the Internet to "better educate students and advance knowledge," only they were not explicit in defining only for MIT. In 2000 he proposed the concept of OpenCourseWare (OCW), and by 2001 there was already a proof of concept. The goal? "Notes, reviews and videos of classes at MIT, withoutAutomated | 2000
The discovery of the human genome sequence has been listed as one of the greatest scientific achievements of recent times, because of their relevance and impact on understanding many secrets of life. A milestone in this achievement was the automated sequencing machine (MSA) developed by Craig Venter, then president of Celera Genomics. Venter has built a system, through a combination of mathematical algorithms, a method of cut and selected sections of DNA called "shotgun sequencing", and computing power, allowed to decode the human genome to 10 % of the cost and 16% of the time it took to Geno ProjectHuman ma, the U.S. State. Since then, the automatic sequencing of genes has become common practice, and biotechnology have transformed MSA, generating a significant impact on the progress of medicine, pharmacology ; ay drug discovery.

4. Bio-Artificial Liver | 2001
people with functional problems or liver failure due to hepatitis, cirrhosis or rejection of organ donations suffered major problems. Until Dr. Kenneth Matsumura, of the Alin Foundation, created an external device, exploiting the possibilities of regeneration of the h & amp; iacute; legacy, serves three purposes. Bio-Artificial Liver allows a damaged liver to recover or even to heal, and serves as a bridge to liver damage until you find a donor. Dr. Matsumura innovation was to leave the traditional approach to recreate each of the functions of the liver by machine and, instead, designed a device that uses liver cells of animals, separated by a membrane, can detoxify the blood of patients in the same way you would a normal liver.

5. Wikipedia | 2001

was created in 2001 by Jimmy WalesHitherto Chicago financial executive. The goal of Wikipedia is to achieve "a world in which all people on the planet free access to the sum of all human knowledge." To achieve this, development is focused on creating an encyclopedia that offer free content that could be built and edited collaboratively by anyone with the interest to do so. Wikipedia operates under the umbrella of the Wikimedia Foundation, nonprofit organization, and has 35 people working and an operating budget of $ 10 million a year. At December 21, 2009, had over 14 million articles in over 260 languages, created byproblems of poverty. Such is the impact they are generating, that its director, Julian Ugarte, has been invited to participate in Singularity University, the NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. Roof This distinction is noteworthy because the participants in this program include several Nobel laureates, in addition to the founders of Google, Facebook and other high-impact companies globally.

7. Nanosolar Panel Sheet | 2004

no doubt that we are in an era of energy crisis, and the quest for power generation alternative and renewable sources is increasing. One such source is the solar energy. However, one of the grande; s faster than the traditional production method of ultra, to create a semiconductor layer 100 times thinner than a silicon wafer. Thus, the company has created technology to "print" solar panels rolls at a cost of $ 0.30 per watt of capacity. Nanosolar has made the dream of solar energy profitable, and has commenced operations of a panelsheets manufacturing plant with a capacity to build 640 MW of panels a year, if the plant operates 24 hours day.

8. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine | 2006

According to several sources, the Virus human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted among adults and is associated with the generation of cervical cancer, genital warts, and other capita Cancers genital, anal and throat. U.S. estimates show that over 50% of women become infected at least one of the 100 variants of HPV which, including men, would rise to 75% of the population able to reproduction. Cervical cancer is the fifth highest rate of cancer mortality in women, while in the United States 36 out of every 100 women diagnosed die each year, at morld the ratio is 50 deaths per 100 women diagnosed, reaching 233,000 per year. In 2006, Dr. Richard Reichman, William Bonnez and Robert Rose, a vaccine developed in parallel against some variants of this cancer, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The two available vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, have shown effectiveness of nearly 100% to prevent cervical cancer development in the four variants of HPV in horizons of 4 and 6 years respectively.

available vaccines against Human Papilloma Virus has an ERA of almost 100%.

9. YouTube | 2005

Founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees, Chaallowed, within minutes, to democratize content, post news and mobilize masses to anyone with Internet access. Currently, YouTube has local versions in 22 countries and is a cornerstone of many corporate sites, universities and media.

10. El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, California | 2009

With a long tradition of hospitality, the November 15, 2009 opened a new hospital in Mountain View, developed to embody a new concept of experience focused on health, safety , convenience and comfort of patients. With an investment of about U.S. $ 470 million, the new hospital has become the institution m &s technologies and providing the best possible patient care. Carlos A.

Osorio *.

Fonte: Mercury

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from Julio Lima