Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does The Pokemon Playground Contain Viruses?

s of despoluição do rio Tietê. Ao

all, is wrapping 13 Prefeitura no projeto, além do governo state. Nas later stages, as do works estenderão park Chega até à região das Nascentes. Under or distance do Empreendimentos, uma Faixa ranging between 50 meters and 200 meters from margens do rio das will desapropriada. Não há estimate of Population afeter outros we municipalities, but certamente or number of families to increase desapropriadas Serem, já that tied or municipality of Mogi das Cruzes, or rio Tietê runs numa região densely occupied.

Sem compensação

Despite two hits, não foi reference population Nenhum relishing razoável considered compensatory policy. Até or time, informed Sequer pouces Foram pessoas do projeto, maybe that is Correndo Imaginame nem um sério suas cliff of losing homes. As you sabem, Tentamen Espalha to

news, but this apreensivas devido ao fato of municipal and state governos you Terem made até nãoamp; rdquo; - lump sum amounting to £ 5000 - and the "Valley rent," a purse of $ 300 for one year. None of the proposals comes close to a solution of the problem.

Poor people, who had been pushed onto the floodplain of the river Tietê by difficult living conditions, paid for with what is for many their only asset: the home itself. In many areas there is a constant risk of flooding. "If we can not moraríamos into the river!" Complains onefined, there are also acting in the nighttime city hall, performing arbitrary confiscations of bricks, sand and stones, notificaçãoe no possibility of recovering the material.

The population itself is not against the project. Supports the environmental issue and also because of systematic opposition to private ownership, which gradually eliminated public recreation areas. But she realizes that again is that you have to give way. And it will not ususocial astrophysical "clear milhares from families, sem reassentá-the, um for a construção park to 2014 World Cup.


Posted via web

from Julio Lima

Monday, December 21, 2009

Average Bmi Women 2 To 20

where the sun does not shine a most unexpected move that the English Inquisition. Who am I kidding, the real problem for me I'm a fangirl monotema unfortunate that by the year that is set the fucking shit game action takes place just after Big Boss that he saved the Frank in the civil war in Mozambique and just when I was starting the war in Rhodesia, so the timeline option that Frank does not go out. And I hope so, I prefer consistency with the previous games (although Frankie's life we have reconstructed the cryptic allusions to waror if I would make the fangirl in the world would be happier to call you by radio to warn you that you're in a minefield and let go homoerotic double meanings in plan Number One Fan / Deep Throat, but come on, and I realize it's not going to happen.

Still, it's a shame D8

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

How To Prolong A Candles Life The news of the year: child malnutrition in the NE near the end

José Paulo Kupfer Reprodução

dezembro 18, 2009

A journal "Research", edição de Dezembro, published by FAPESP, Fundação Paulista incentive academic and applied research, mapping uma extraordinary news, sem dúvida uma das mais tout important do anus. Levantamento da USP to PAD coordinate concluiu that blanket curfew vitesse atual, a child desnutrição be eliminated in the Northeast mow em less than 10 years.

O studies from second story do Fabrício Marques reporter, demonstrate that nakedchild malnutrition in the region most affected by the problem in Brazil was reduced by one third between 1986 and 1996, falling from 33.9% to 22.2% of children in the Northeast, and in almost tre s rooms, from 1996 to 2006, falling to 5.9%. Carlos Alberto Monteiro, a senior research professor at the Faculty of Public Health School, says there is no documented case in the world so swift reduction in child malnutrition ( law here).

Improvements in maternal education, sanitation and income transfer programs are the main explanationstwo research for current em or auspicious phenomenon in the Northeast. "To control or problem em manter 10 years will require or increase the purchasing power two mais do poor and satisfy itself Public investment to complete a universalização serviços do acess to essenciais of educação, sau ; e saneamento "resumiu a aussi coordinates in research, Ana Lucia Lovadina, detected Epidemiologic do Núcleo de Pesquisas em Saúde Nutriçãoe (Nupens). Notes

-se, mais uma turn that problem Solução não complexes derived sociais da iluminaç & Atilof, the sole ruler of a preordained, nor is obtained instantly, on the basis of some measure of genius, adopted with an air of panacea. Firm depends on governmental decision, persistence in purpose and continuity in the action. It also depends on - and the case of Bolsa Familia program is emblematic of that - the ability to face fierce resistance from a part of the company to distribute the wealth created for the underprivileged.

If the failures in implementing social and economic policies are orphans, successes, unfortunately the least freq ∓ Uuml; ones, tend to encourage fierce disputes over paternity. In the case of child malnutrition in the Northeast, I regret to inform Fla-Flu militants who opposed the FHC to Lula government, which gave the beautiful game a tie.

The success in combating malnutrition in the Northeast is a combination of improvements in education, investment in basic sanitation and well-focused application of incomes policies. A lesson to those who grieve for not putting the pie in olive government that does not sympathize, disqualified by the actions &Brazilian social ills is back to 1986 and, therefore, actually preceded the Fla-Flu. That year, he made the first Demographic and Health Survey, a household survey that is part of an international program, repeated every ten years. Applied in the Northeast, the survey, which allows you to track and compare, in a safe and consistent, the development of policies to overcome the problem, has been regularly repeated in 1996 and 2006.

There are other lessons to be learned in this case the accelerated reduction of child malnutrition in the Northeast. Proves, for example, that although growth econ & oc, In investigating the reasons for the accelerated reduction of child malnutrition in the Northeast, Carlos Augusto Monteiro confirmed the thesis.

"seems unlikely, but with $ 100 per family stricken by extreme poverty the picture changes radically from malnutrition," said Fabricio Monteiro Marques, FAPESP magazine. The reduction of malnutrition, he said, unhitched from the evolution of GDP. "The country's GDP would suggest a prevalence of malnutrition higher than observed. Mexico, for example, with a GDP close to ours, has the rate of unnecessaryutrição 13 to 14%, "he says.

The USP researchers found that improvements in maternal education, has produced its most significant fruit year after the date of implementation of the policy of universal primary education. The more educated mothers found in 2006 began this journey in the 90s.

Same reasoning should apply to the effects of programs such as Bolsa Familia. Require "exits" from the first day of implementation of the program makes no sense. By making the benefitThe school and the health of children, the program is not primarily focused on parents, but children.

Parents, victims of complete social exclusion, little can offer some opportunities not to be subordinate in the economy eventually revived by the movement of funds from the income transfer. Consider them vagrants, without considering the adverse conditions they grew up and live, is a cruelty.

Still no time the children reached by the Family Allowance if they have the "p

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Can Dogs Get Frostbite Échenme an autograph

Take heart, it is a moment
Kamui's mother .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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na do new game and series of Digimon. You see yourself.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Time It Takes To Be Infected With Chlamydia

A chorradina who sewed on Monday while [info] housekishou and [info] briggsbear saw Slayers. Well, the pee and the loop, the cap is one or two years ago and the jersey is Barbie. The luck is that the photo is not very noticeable, but the blue does not go with absolutely nothing, is amazing. It was not quite there, but blue and brown as I think I like it. Anda did not settle for less. To see when you get a nice afro Niloufar your hair and rolling, I'm dying but I have to peel mohair now.

Niloufar con el vestidín

(Estrelsides have the arms, hips, those patorras, back so divine ... However, we are, what this body does not have nice XD (Perhaps the ankles, that is overweight, but I like to it so I do not know me). That aik is also a little on my part to complain that I can not take advantage when the peak Anoy I've had at home and I have shaded the hands nor have I done anything decent clothing, that Poor Dolores has a less varied wardrobe that Bart Simpson. So that's another to see if I start to sew a little longer than the machine you had before was a nightmare and gave me sweat just thinking about it, but la new I have no excuse.

Gods, is already translated and uploaded the 102, Fullmetal, but I mangastream load. Puxa the caleya de l'information.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

South Park Stream On Iphone Cydia A CHOICE FOR THE HISTORY (Copenhagen 2009)

ongo centuries and have consequences that will last forever. Our chances of taming it will be determined in the next 14 days. We appeal to representatives from 192 countries gathered in Copenhagen did not hesitate, do not enter into disputes, not blaming each other, but take the opportunity from the largest modern political failure. This should not be a fight between rich and poor, or between East and West. Climate change affects everyone and should be resolved by all.

The science is complex, but the facts are clear. The world must act to limit2 ° C increase in global temperature, a goal that will require global emissions of greenhouse gases reach a peak and begin to fall over the next five to 10 years. Further warming of 3 º C to 4 º C - the lowest increase we can expect if we keep doing nothing - can lead to dry continent, turning farmland into desert. Half of all species could become extinct, millions of people could be displaced, entire nations flooded by the sea. Few believe that Copenhagen can produce a treaty; real progress in this direction onlymight arise with the arrival of President Barack Obama to the White House and the reversal of years of U.S. obstructionism. Even now, the world is dependent on American domestic politics, because the president can not fully commit to the shares until the U.S. Congress has done. But the politicians in Copenhagen can and should define the essentials of a fair and effective and in particular to establish a timeline to turn it into a treaty. The climate meeting of the United Nations next June, in Bonn (Germany), would be the deadline. As one negotiator put it: "the N &ment and China take me atitudes radicais mais do that as utilized at the facility até agora. More or world desenvolvido é responsável pela most parts of the carbon stored na atmosphere - three quarters of all or carbon dioxide (CO2) since 1850. For isso, accurate take liderança: all countries you are engaging Devem desenvolvido fazer deep cuts in emissivo suas reduzindo decade uma muito mais níveis do that you baixos 1990. I countries em desenvolvimento podem não causaram to argue that most parts of the problem and that as Regiões mais aussi poor will do mundo com mais força ATINGIDOSincrease emissions. A future treaty must also be pinned - with close monitoring multilateral, fair compensation for forest protection and reliable evaluations of "emissions exported, " that the cost may in time be more evenly divided between those who produce polluting products and those who consume them. And justice requires that the weight with which each developed country should afford individually take into account their ability to support it, new European Union members, for example, usually much poorer than the old , n &born of conflict and competition, the race of the carbon that comes out there should be led by a joint effort to achieve collective salvation. victory on climate change will require a triumph of optimism over pessimism, the view of myopia, the success of what Abraham Lincoln called "the better angels of our nature" . is in this spirit that 56 newspapers around the world have united behind this editorial. If we, with such different national and political perspectives, we can agree on what should be done, then surely our l & iacute; doest can too. The politicians in Copenhagen

fear power to shape the trial of history about this generation: a generation that saw a challenge and rose, or one so stupid, who saw the disaster coming but did nothing to prevent it. We implore you to make the right choice.

Source: Journal Catarinense


Zero Hour, The Guardian


La Brújula Digital

Posted via CH

Interior Lower Leg Pain The Other Wiki is all srs bsnss

Wikipedia says:

Lately the term "fujoshi" Has Been Used to describe a target audience of shows like "Kuroshitsuji." ROTFL

no shit.

This year Christmas will be so poor and stressed, but the Christmas lighting is sponsored by the Sakurazukamori Gijón (pics soon) Vash comes to visit and bring me Royai Kings early, so good to see the thing do not look bad.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How Long For Flagyl To Get Out Of Your System Solving Global Poverty

by Caitlin Chock

Nearly half of the World's Population Are Currently living below-the U.S. $ 2 a day Poverty line. These numbers only look to as the Global Population Increase in September is to expand by Another 1.2 billion over the next ten years, and at the Same time the stark Income gap is Expanding. Currently the Poorest 40 Percent of make up just 5 Percent of the total Income while three quarter's of the world's Income is owned by a mere 20 Percent of the World's richest. Global Poverty Is Another aspect That Is Not Directly related to climate change But only Other Consumption habits, and in Trying to solve the World's environmental state we can aim to improve the living situations of those impoverished. Yet there are two ways we can have an effect on those barely getting by and dying, and even though being ethical consumers and  directly cutting carbon emissions  will help, it is worth nothing that our efforts may be better spent addressing their plight head on and that in turn will have a greater impact on the environment as well.

This is an interesting argument put up by Bjorn Lomborg, the man who organizes the Copenhagen Consensus and is one of the professors in the Copenhagen Business School, who says that instead of generating our budgets around the matters of  climate change  alone we should hone them on humanity causes. Lomborg

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Supplemental Health Insurance As children in the headlights as part of the scenery of the crosses, it seems that they are invisible.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Children bill up to $ 2000 in 245 lights, street corners and fairs SP

With the arrival of parties season, yield begging child jumps from $ 40 to $ 70 per day

By Fernanda Aranda

The city of São Paulo has at least 245 points - between intersections, traffic lights and street markets - where there is concentration of child begging. In these locations, mostly boys aged between 8 and 11 yearsal, "he adds. sãoa Other vulnerabilities without exposure to the sun proteçãoe dehydration. Anderson, 16, shows his scar on his right leg as an example of another danger of lights ; is. "It was a jeep that got me. I was hospitalized two months in the Holy House, "he says, citing that many of his friends" have already been victimized. "


Posted via
Julio Lima

Listen To Npr Radio In Vlc I complain, leaving free

is the continuous assessment are fucking impossible and it seems silly to be killing me anyway unable to approve or joke. The downside is that they are 4 hours a week, and I have to make sure, but I'm going to have so many credits that I would leave much room for anything else if you stay I will not repeat. And all the gods, do not want. Or just this race already or I die. I accept suggestions and advice, especially from [info] housekishou (XD) Let's see, less angsty themes. Finally I found scans of the American edition of Clover Tokyopop, if someone wants to be the step. Est marginallyou; mirrored includes name changes and random scans are a shit, but it's not as if he had much choice, so in order.

Gods, film X is so bad that not even good enough to laugh. It's so boring that it took me three days to see it. What rollazo, how meaningless, how ugly is Kamui, Kotori looks how little, how about the OC that does not stop sucking Diso plane only knows why while practically the entire cast is reduced a gang of extras with less importance than those turkeys are not Bono U2 and The Edge, which recycling frames. How is it possible that allegedly collaborated Ohkawa & aand to plan the Hammer Dracula / magician entertainer Mediterranean cruise / contestant Voucher You really have not returned to find work in the industry of animation and is now a supermarket cashier. It does not help that almost all the voice actors are quite upset me to hear. I think I just liked Kano. I understand why people commented all excited that the Tokyo Revelations OVA finally had put them decent voice actors to the characters of X, the truth is that the difference is scrotumtightening (Miyano Mamoru ... 8D ~ Kamui ~ ~ ~)
total: does anyone know a trick for level in the FFVI? I get to the Floating Continent con Locke, Cyan, and Edgar (I know everyone likes Sabin, but Edgar mola me, spare me) to a level not very flashy but until then I was not giving any problems ... and begin to suck in an epic hosts. At the end when you get to choose between pirarte or move on, I fled in terror. I died like three times, had a great whores, I was almost phoenix tails ... I have to Locke and Cyan at 29, to Edgar and Shadow in 27 in 25 (I think), and I do not know where the hell to go to level up a bit. The monsters of the normal world are crap and give me very little experience, and the Floating Continent let me fuck. O

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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time chegou um Zezinho sad. Trazia claim must uma escola da. Bilhete not that be assinada pela mãe deveria, to Professor is queixava: o menino costumava go xixi à escola e com cheiro a Caderno sujo or mud. A psychologist Ana Beatriz Nogueira Fernandes não teve Doubts. Convidou to Professor to visit casa do aluno. Entering Depois na favela, and enlamear íngremes vieles atravessar you Sapata, to Professor descobriu that is tratava não um desleixo simple case. O menino, um filho dealer, tinh mãe não for assinada or bilhete because I lived com to avó, visually impaired. O Caderno ficava sujo for either barraco clay was terra bati

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Every day in Darfur refugee camps, women leave to travel on six to seven hour missions to collect fuel wood for their meals, and every day these women increase their risk of violent attack . When Ashok Gadgil, a physicist at Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory, visited Darfur to observe how families were cooking their meals and foraging for wood, he launched a project with Ken Chow through Engineers Without Borders to contribute to solving this problem. The Darfur stove is a ten pound metal stove which requires only one quarter of the amount of firewood used in a traditional cooking fire, and is also more cost effective than firewood cooking.

The Darfur Stove is considered an appropriate technology , or “approtech,” a technology designed with special consideration to the environmental, ethical, cultural, social and economical aspects of the community for which it is intended. Before designing and engineering the stove, the Darfur Stoves team looked at the cooking styles of the refugees, the pots used, the food cooked, and other parts of the food-making experience. Only then was a prototype built, tested, and modified again. Appro-tech is a method that stands in stark contrast to the more common occurrence of develo organizations, but not with the fuel to cook their meals.

The Darfur Stoves Project also has implications beyond Darfur, where black carbon smoke from rudimentary cooking fires  contribute to greenhouse gas emissions , deforestation, and poor indoor air quality. Over half of the world's population uses rudimentary cooking stoves that impact their health, and the environment. Aid organizations and social entrepreneurs are learning how similar technology can be applied in other regions around the world. This holiday season, give the gift of technology – to

Darfur Stove’s parent organization, Technology Innovat

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How To Make A Penny Holding Boat

e; rate you include some form of contact in your post, either home address or email where the Kings (or pages) can contact you.

Enter the f-list (or the f-lists of your f-list) to see if anyone has posted this entry. And most importantly:
If you see a wish you know you can give and have every intention, make that desire is met that person. Mai

If anyone has a rip in one of the DVDs of Tsukiko Amano or seen somewhere where you have to download or whatever, I'd be very happy. Fanart 8D I

worth any of my waifus (insuranceyou know a character that I like, as I am little embers ...). I think right now I'm bored stones with Kamui, Subaru, Kamui / Subaru, Subaru / Kamui, TRC! Kamui, TRC! Subaru, TRC! Kamui / TRC! Subaru. I said, I am a plate. If men are more manly than bishis, Frank (Jaeger, no pet goat LJ).
  1. What really makes the illusion of time is a fan art Naomi Frank (Frank and young hooman!! Naomi, understood, and no, not erotic holiday, plz UXD) but I have no illusions, truth UXD
  2. If I find someone I no longer give away if you are willing to sell the numbers 2 and 4 of Clover will be my idol forever. S
  3. And
  4. : D

2010 Graduation Centerpiece Entrepreneurship and social action (Ashoka Youth Venture)

Housing age living in Brazil.

"Projects can not be just business ideas, they need to be approved social concern. We work with young people from low income families who have difficulty believing that they can have a future and expand the horizons, "says Olivia.

In preparation classes are taught concepts ; es how to handle money, raise capital, make a budget, control spending, etc.. After training the young, they as a group, they develop a social enterprise project and present it to a bank. If approved, each group receives U.S. $ 1.5thousand to and ponta pé em sua ideia. Os Projetos podem be turned to issues such as educação, meio environment and human health, including outros.

"You were passaram groups for all or processo, não é difficult Sejam approved. We atingir or maximum mesmo pessoas possível. Good Results achieved vestments. SAEM teenagers do you program a self-esteem com strengthened, stating that e sonhos podem ajudar years so outros sonhos eels possam aussi. O tem program, even subsidizing open market as portas do trabalho for Alguns jovens "Afrim to DIRETORES

O trabalho da GerYouth Venture Action completed three years in the country in August this year. Ashoka works with the program in four Brazilian states: Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, Minas Gerais and Ceará. In early 2010, it should be expanded to Bahia, Paraná and Goiás


Source: Business Season

Posted via from Julio Lima

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Make Bios Dongle 96% women in Delhi feel unsafe: NGO

NEW DELHI: A 96% Majority of Women feel unsafe to venture out alone in the national capital, Reveals a survey Conducted by an Organisation Committed to the cause of Women.


sexual harassment in public places on rise in the national capital, areas like Chandni Chowk, Connaught Place, Karol Bagh and Rohini Are Deemed as The Most unsafe Localities for Women.

"If we as the Citizens of India feel unsafe in Delhi, how can we make Thousands of Those coming from Other Nations During The 2010 Commonwealth Games feel safe and secure? " Co-founder of sequins (Centre for Equity and Inclusion) Sara Pilot said.

"With the 'Make Delhi Safe' campaign, an init

Friday, November 13, 2009

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new report indicates that most of these cases occur in Africa and Asia.

"More than a third of children dying of pneumonia, diarrhea and other diseases could have survived had it not been malnourished," said UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman, who noted that malnutrition robs the child's physical strength, whose body can not fight against a possible disease. The first 1,000 days in the life of a child are the most critical in the development of children, and nutritional deficiencies during this period may reduce the ability to fight and overcome orand you can get reduccióny eradicating malnutrition, and have already made progress through initiatives such as providing micronutrients to vulnerable populations.

One of these advances has been to give children iodized salt and vitamin A, which has reduced infant mortality. Thus, in developing countries the percentage of children receiving these supplements in 2000 reached 41 percent, while in 2008 and was 88 percent. breast milk and nutrients UNICEF also & eac

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Carnival, it seems to be a comfortable and sheltered at cosplay. So talking about cosplays
and kimonos, stockings projects [info] housekishou know if I can not comment ("I can, love?: D) but to me it has gotten me into the kakeshita head trying to get a good price for red stain and become
Sakurazukamama cosplay. Cosplay is a 100% Nana style: in kimono, and nobody will recognize. But ugh, is that fancy so much ... Who can ignore such an opportunity to go out there with a white kakeshita Bishop of Satanic inverted pentagrams evil sang all covered

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Digarm Of A Boat Labeled Access to microcredit for women living with, or vulnerable to, HIV in Haiti

d those living with HIV.

Combined with antiretroviral treatment, micro-financing is certainly one of the major instruments for reducing the impact of HIV on the infected populations in countries with limited resources. This programme in Haiti is a demonstration of the feasibility of microcredit in a difficult environment. The great professionalism of the institutions implementing the programme is a key factor in its success.   More:

Posted via web from

Julio Lima

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where Can I Hire Adult Film Stars

Picspam of epic proportions.

Hostess Standard. Insert joke here about miniskirts, Roy, et cetera.

A Terry for [info] jennybogard : D

[info] housekishou making cinnamon a Kaito Kid. But not cool as much as the cosplay contest a couple of years ago D: (yes, what happens to me what tthe hostel and we talked of Korea, the danger the young men who have Korean dramas, Korean kimonos and lolarious said about them, Paku-san and random things in the bareto where we show the beautiful custom Iberian play hard.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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October 17: World Day to Combat Poverty

movie about the need for mobilization of society, with the thread of the story Dagmar Garroux, Tia Dag founder of the NGO'S HOUSE ZEZINHO.

Holdings: MANO BROWN, Ferrez, AND OTHER
Original Soundtrack: JOE GONZALES, DANIEL Ganjaman

Source: / user / sindicatoparalelo /

Posted via from Julio Lima

Friday, October 9, 2009

Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe


das TEM family income below R $ 415, pointing IBGE

Percentage from families brasileiras com rendimento per capita até meio minimum salary to 22.6% drove


(Reprodução) Jacqueline Farid, da Agência Estado

RIO - Metade FAMILIES das brasileiras com rendimento per capita lived below R $ 415 em 2008, the second reveals a Synthesis of indicators contained Sociais nesta Sexta-Feira, 9, hair, Brazilian Institute of Geography and istitute (IBGE). According to the survey, the percentage of Brazilian families who have household income per capita up to half the minimum wage reached 22.6% in 2008 but, despite high level, decreased 32.4% compared to established ten years ago.

In the Northeast, the drop in the percentage of households in this income between 1998 and 2008 was more intense than the national average, rising from 54.3% to 41.3% in the peri odo. According to the disclosure document of the research, this retreat was "probably the result of public policies targeted at households

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Best Ways To Market Pre Paid Legal Plano-2016 olympic expected to Rio's favelas remoção (ou "Não podem treating people as animais)

es in the second).

The communities are listed by the city Speedway Town, Canal Indigo, Blue Gardenia, Pan Park, Metro-Hose-Bethlehem and Bethlehem. The proposal provides

other slums, but in some cases does not reveal what the communities nor the number of families who will be affected.

This, however, is not the first time these slums go through the process of resettlement. Three of the communities on the list see the removal of ghost revival. They had been threatened during the organization of JoWe do not want to be removed from here. We will fight for the community to remain. They can not treat people like animals, "said Guimaraes.

The association's president says he has experience in resettlement. In the 60s, he was removed from his home in Island Caiçaras on the south. Submitted to the City of God, Guimaraes had to leave the site in 1994 for the opening of the Yellow Line. He lived for 15 years in the Village Circuit. The press office Municipal Department of Housing says that families of all communities will be resettled nearbyplace of origin. It said the process will be negotiated with the residents. They will benefit from the federal program "My House, My Life.

Source: Folha Online

Posted via

from Julio


Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Make A Bicycle Shaped Cake

ute; n urban, present and 2030. This does not include the replacement of dilapidated housing stock and poor.

In 2007, the world's urban population exceeded

first to rural areas. Almost 180,000 people are added each diaa

urban population. The

95 percent of global population growth in coming decades will occur in urban areas of developing countries.

People suffering from poverty is urbanizing

faster than the population as a whole, reflecting a rate of urban poverty reduction below average.

Poor housing, unsafe water and poor sanitation in densely populated cities are responsible for 10 million deaths annually worldwide. Latin America

is the most urbanized region in the world, with 75 percent of its population living in cities. According to the United Nations on 27 percent of these urban residents, more than 117 million people

, live in

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Adult Model Killeen, Tx Occupation Josué de Castro protests against repossession (02/09)

The area south of Recife wakes under huge black smoke. The heat of the flames and huge smoke feels it sees long distance. Tires, couches, wood, gasoline and fire are the ingredients that come together to warm cloudy early in the morning of September 2. The two senses of Avenida Recife are banned by debris burning. Behind the blocking of the residents occupation Josué de Castro, extendsscent material to fire so he would not go out. At some point, spontaneously put a table in the middle of one track and started playing dominoes beside the rubble still smoldering. Soon they had the idea of beating a naked and burned play on the Avenue, which not only strengthen the peaceful character of the protest, reveals a critical approach to ause NCIA of public recreational areas in the periphery.

To give his version of events appeared to Folha de Pernambuco, Jornal do Commercio, TV and Newspapers (SBT) successively. Even a helicopter Network Globo flew quickly over the place filming the traffic jam that was caused. After about two hours the residents contain the outbreak in a large circle, joining hands and reinforcing that will not give up their right to housing without a fight.

Brief History

The terrain of abandoned tire company Michelin, approximately 7200M ² in the district of Ibura, the area south of Recife, along the Avenida Recife, was occupied by about 90 families on 20 September 2008.
From l & aacu; The state against the occupiers and the beginning of Maria José Amaral, the lawyer for the occupation, excluding alleged incompetence (as determined under trial - jurisdiction - Do ; has jurisdiction over the case) the state court because there was a tax foreclosure action against the Union that company and the property was pledged as collateral OF PERFORMANCE ; the debt, so that the reintegration process was referred to the Federal Court (22nd stick, the foreclosures, sincethat ownership of the property field would depend on the resolution of litigation between the company UnionThe). There was, in fact, going to a federal court process, but stick to the 21st (civil court). There was an interlocutory decision of the federal judge who granted the injunction (which is not sentencing decision, but what happens during the process), also after a positive decision of Federal prosecutors, for reinstatement, as the "robbery" took place less than a year. It was generated in an attempt to dump occupies & ccedil; will in June this year. Maria Jose aggravated the interim, but was dismissed in Federal Court (TRF). Since August 3, the action is completion to the judge's decision, ie there is a risk it any day to give the final ruling ordering the reinstatement of the land and there a dump.

The lawyer argues that the injunction dump contradicts the law signed by President Lula in 2007 according to which areas seized by the Union used for purposes of agrarian reform or urban. As a result, she is preparing an appeal against the injunction for reinstatement to

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No Heating But Hot Water From Worcester 28i

interview with magazine Trip Caco Barcellos. Worth reading.

Posted via from Julio Lima

Cruising Spots In Charlotte Nc Be Warmest on record / Os seas never estiveram uncle Quentes

Ben Cubby, Environment Reporter
July 25, 2009

FOR as long as people have taken the temperature of the seas they have never been so warm.

Global ocean surface temperatures for June were the highest since records began, in 1880, breaking the record set in 2005, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration of the United States says.

The average sea surface temperature for June, measured by satellites and buoys, was 0.59 degrees above the 20th-century average of 16.4 degrees.

The combined land and sea temperature was the second warmest on record, behind 2005. The US agency is one of three international groups that supply data to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

On land, Africa bore the brunt of the hotter weather, while temperatures in nations around the edge of the Mediterranean and Black seas were also high.

At the same time, some land areas were unseasonably cold, including the central US, parts of Canada and central Asia.

Australia's Bureau of Meteorology has raised its predictions of an El Nino cycle this year, which would spell hotter weather and less rain.

The bureau said extremely high sea temperatures in the western Pacific, Coral Sea and off northern Australia were not usually associated with an El Nino event, but this was still likely to become an El Nino year.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Mount And Blade The Blue And Grey Mod

I hate that look, why do not you listen?, Have I hurt?, Sorry. But I'm going to exploit, the better you're away, you could get hurt, careful, know how I am. Why do you want to be my friend, You know that only I can get people hurt. But you do not mind, you're not aware, and you cross me, I said, I'm not who you think, flee now, leave me alone ... I'm better alone, I feel good, I feel good crying in the darkness, crying in silence, pretending my perfect smiles, and my face good girl.
- Hey, Have you seen this girl?, Is rare ...
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