Monday, January 26, 2004

How To Generate Electricity With Toy Motor

Jee hello again, and finish with my sheet and it seems that I have nothing more I can not do homework at school, so I dedicate to tell you how I walk. Pss to get started

the most outstanding is that my karma has been unbalanced these days @ _ @ because my brother is not presumed to be deve not to bring my boots, which laziness I have not washed from their trip with a grace ¬ ¬ a cute puppy in the end whatever the case I am beginning to seriously affect the imbalance of force, is slowly breaking my things, (¬ ¬ or perhaps the comepalabras he came back for more), the case is uqe've been missing out lately> \u0026lt;, since Friday I lost my new Paladin Gustava much v_v me, and today I lost myT_T favorite jacket, and I almost lost my wallet if it were not stumbled with her to get off the truck, which almost certainly leads porquedarme sushi house asleep (another manifestation of bad karma?) in order if it is I want reoarar as soon as possible because I want my stuff concervar> \u0026lt;.

right now I'm going to start doing something productive and clean up my boots to see if it will increase my AT field preventing the ecuases comepalabras and things continue to disappear my XP. I qu etambn

will I need to purify my chi, now here I tambn me elo has affected my back, still not fully arragla tambn a cold and uncomfortable XP.
the case and I have qu earreglarlo and quickly> \u0026lt;


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