Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Gary Rhodes Pork Pie Recipe

^ ^ hehe, huuush
now if I'm tired, MUHC things @ _ @
to start my day pss was 2 / 2 from the penultimate hour, English, epezo me a headache again> \u0026lt;but I thought in order not to go to tae kwon do but a friend convinced me and it was not as bad as practicavael pain disappeared but I get tired much VOV
after leaving was too much I can hardly believe I forgot my backpack! I realized until my water look in my backpack and saw estava qu eno, so with less than 5 minutes I asked the driver to put up with me and ran (and no power) to the gym and back, wack> \u0026lt; berry that if I get tired, come and pull me in the hallway of the truck and had a warmth that done, remove everything they brought when


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